Whilst thinking about New York and the upcoming trip, I realise that not only do I know nothing about the place, but I also have no clue where it is. Yes, of course its in America, but lets face it, it’s a vast area and I feel slightly overwhelmed. I am not surprised by this in the slightest, me being the girl who, when asked where Brussels was, replied in an uncertain tone… London?? And when trying to direct her friends to Nottingham, could not reply when asked if it was anywhere near Sheffield. In my defence, it’s hard to know of any surrounding areas when you haven’t been to them… or paid attention when you have passed through them.
Therefore, I am aware that to research before this trip is probably a wise idea, not wanting to be the one who gets lost and needs to be rescued, I would prefer not to be transported back to an earlier memory of being trapped in Koko’s crèche for kids, alone, only to hear my name being called out on the megaphone. “Would Anna Kerr please come to the food area!” The shame. I must make a pact with myself not to get too excited and wander off.